COVID-19 collegiate Life
COVID-19 collegiate Life
‘May you paint the blank canvas of this year with bright and happy colors! Cheers to health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021! Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year! New Year is the time to start a new chapter of life’.
We all are continuing the struggle with the 2020 pandemic. This year has been crazy. As we all attempt to navigate the semester, students are finding this is not what we expected our educational experience to be. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing—it’s just…different. There are many of you in college that are doing 100% of your classes online. Although academics take precedence, there’s a social component that is a vital part of college life, and with this piece missing, things just aren’t the same.
Experiencing college for the first time, you may find this was not what you expected our educational experience to be. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing—it’s just…different. . If you’re, experiencing college for the first time, you be can rest assured that our college management have our best interest at heart. If it comes down to an online collegiate experience to remain safe and healthy, so be it—it’s a temporary inconvenience that will ultimately serve the good. But while we’re stuck in this situation, here’s some advice for staying informed, keeping up in college, looking to the future, and more.
It was difficult to accept online classes at Regency College of Hotel Management and college holiday breaks are eliminated from the campus calendar to account for a shortened semester time frame. Everything keeps piling up, and many students are feeling the burnout of what feels like a never-ending semester. Countless faculty members are providing extended office hours to account for the strain that online learning can put on someone’s understanding of their coursework. While these gestures may seem obvious, it becomes a collaborative effort, so make sure you’re giving as much as your college is giving back to you and work hard in the classes that you’re paying for. A college degree is the prize we seek at the end of our journeys, and if we keep working together—whether from home or on campus—we can all be successful.
Our college have been so successful in keeping their numbers low is because of the overall dedication of the students and staff to following these protocols. If you’re on an open campus still, do your part to keep up these efforts as we move into whatever the next new stage of COVID-19 may be. I Always feel I am in the right place and Top hotel College in Hyderabad to pursue my career in Hospitality Industry..
My faculty adhere to strict COVID-19 protocols, meaning they have students maintain social distance, keep their class sizes small, and make sure students are sanitizing surfaces before and after each class. Teachers with larger numbers of students in their classes are also offering hybrid solutions to lower the risk of exposure. Despite your long-term degree goals, whatever academic adversity you may currently be facing is temporary Humans adapt and overcome, and this situation we’re sharing is just another test we need to pass.
This is my post Covid Realization…just penning my thoughts. Expanding my knowledge would only serve in my favour in the long run. I am feeling short-changed with things as they are right now, and nothing lasts forever.
Anticipating that the best would happen in 2021 with Hospitality Industry reviving back again.
Regency College Hotel Management & Catering Technology
6-3-600/A/6, Hill top colony,
Erramanzil,Khairthabad, HYDERABAD
Phone: 9000143340