25 years of Regency College gave an opportunity to second semester students to take part in Dining Etiquette from 29.09.21 to 6.10.21 under the guidance of Chef Cyril at the Radiance restaurant in Regency campus. Students were enthusiast to meet Chef Cyril and excited to know all the suggestions given by him. WHAT IS DINING ETIQUETTE Dining etiquette addresses a wide variety of issues which can come up at the table. One is personal hygiene, an issue in a setting where people are eating. Another is accepted rules of behavior when it comes to things like conversation, greeting people at the table, interacting with servers, and conversing with other diners. Other rules cover how and when to use utensils and tools, from finger bowls to forks. Proper dining etiquette is essential for family gatherings, workplace dinner meetings, and all kinds of social functions. THE IMPORTANCE OF DINING ETIQUETTE In addition to great job performance, having good dining etiquette helps to establish credibility and reputation. It also helps to make an accepted member of the business group. And if think about it, it helps to build self confidence. It’s another skill to add to professional repertoire. WHERE DINING ETIQUETTE The setting of a meal can have an impact on the dining etiquette which is appropriate. Meals at home tend to be more casual, for example, while meals in restaurants are more formal. Likewise, there are etiquette rules for dinner guests, whether they are inviting a friend for dinner or attending an event hosted by a CEO of a company. TABLE MANNER DO’S • How to give order and understand MENU. • Talk about pleasant things. Do not talk about bathroom experience or the unpleasant odor. • Make a toast and recognize toast. • Place napkin on lap. As soon seated unfold the napkin and place it on lap. The napkin remains on lap during the entire meal also use of paper napkin. • How to see, taste and smell wine. • Sit properly and straight in the chair. • Wait until everyone has their food before you start eating. • Chew with mouth closed. • Use knife and fork to cut meat also use of cutlery and handle glassware. • Say Excuse me or apologize if burped. • When have to leave the table say "Excuse Me (or) May I please be excused." TABLE MANNER DON’T • Don’t gobble food. • Don’t talk with mouth full. • Don’t play with smart phones while at the table. • Don’t tip chair or lean on the table. • Don’t eat or lick your fingers. • Don’t push plate away after finish of meal. • Don’t place napkin on the plate when finish. • Don’t pick teeth with fingers • Don’t forget to push the chair in when get up. The above said Do's and Don’ts were done practically by students before Chef Cyril at Radiance restaurant. They were glad to acknowledge with Dining Etiquette which helps them to build a strong career for their future.